Dear Bastard,
I’m writing this letter to you not because I miss you or that I have too much time on my hands. But it’s because I hate you. I hate you so much I regret not being able to tell you this when I had the chance and get it off my chest. The question you may be asking yourself at this point is why do I hate you so much? Oh, dear Asshole, there are many reasons. But before I get into that, I wanted to thank you first.
Thank you so much for fucking with my head, ignoring me, disrespecting my family, treating me like shit and then having the nerve to be pissed off at me. I thank you because all these days I was feeling horrible about losing a friend and someone who was special to me. But you pulling this stunt has made me realize that it took this incident to make me understand what kind of a jerk you really are.
To think that I wasted time and energy sitting around moping for days wondering what the fuck happened to you. Then it hit me that you don’t want to do anything with me because you’re a jealous prick. You’ve cut me out of your life and blocked me. You didn’t have to treat me like shit if you wanted to do that. Just saying you don’t want to talk was enough. It’s not like I would have stalked you. I suppose this is what cowards do. Run away from a confrontation and hide like little sissies!
I was supposed to be your best friend! It’s amazing how this so called best friend is someone you can just cut off without an explanation or a reason. You ‘love’ them and pretend like you’re the victim in all this when in reality you are the cause for all this misery.
It’s sad that you don’t realize the value of a friend and even worse that you would let something like ego come in the way of holding on to something that was true. I was amongst the few who genuinely cared for you. But you made sure I changed my mind about that. Thank you for that too. Because now I don’t give a flying fuck about what you do.
If you can’t stand to see me happy, me in love, me enjoying myself then fuck off.
Btw, I am done waiting around for you to stop being menopausal. I am done with your mood swings that you have like a little bitch. I did all that I could as your friend and now no more. Fuck you and fuck your so called love with conditions. You were only being nice to me and being by my side because you expected something out of all this. For me to end up with you.
You’re an idiot for thinking that! I hope you get all that you want in life and stop acting like you’ve been raped and violated. I did nothing to screw around with you. In fact, I was so honest more than what your other little sluts from your man whore days were.
I have already deleted anything that reminds me of you so don’t flatter yourself by thinking you’re the only one who did that. You really don’t deserve someone like me in your life. You don’t even deserve my hatred and with time I’ll stop that too. Go fuck yourself because eventually my memories of you will fade and you’ll just be remembered as another dick head who I came across who couldn’t get me and wasn’t man enough to face me when I rejected his sorry ass!
An ex-friend
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