You know you're in Kerala when...

You know you're in Kerala when...
  • The licence plates read KL.
  • Every word has more than 3 syllables.
  • Words are spelled differently and pronounced differently.
  • Every road leads to a beach.
  • Bananas come in 4-5 different varieties.
  • You don't just peel and eat the bananas, you make fritters, chips, cakes, curry and many more things out of them.
  • Everyone has curly/wavy hair.
  • Oiling your hair is second to compulsion.
  • The women generally tie their hair in half making it look poofy.
  • The men sport mustaches (you're not considered a man if you don't).
  • Everyone speaks too fast.
  • If you don't know how to pronounce a certain place, remember the first syllable and murmur the rest.
  • The lanes are narrow but still folks use it as a two way lane.
  • Every other house either has a banana tree or a palm tree with coconuts.
  • Despite getting bananas everywhere they're still sold in shops by the dozens.
  • Everything is cooked in or with some form of coconuts.
  • It's always hot!
  • Everyone knows someone who has been to or is in Dubai/Sharjah/Gulf countries.
  • Every other shop is a bakery.
  • Every other person is an Engineer.
  • Family go to pubs together.
  • Everyone does yoga/teaches it.
  • People openly stare if a girl is wearing jeans and a top other than a kurti.
  • Majority of women are either busty/big hipped.
  • Every bank offers gold loan.
  • The people are very hospitable.
  • There are only a handful of places where the 'young' crowd can hangout. (That's flooded with families too!)
  • Talcum powder's used as foundation.
  • People are either too skinny/overweight.
  • Every other billboard has Mohan Lal/Mamooty either promoting their movies/advertising a product.
  • By 10 the city looks like a ghost town.
  • Everyone's educated and has a minimum of 2degrees/diplomas.
  • Men don't mind being seen in colorful lungis with jazzy patterns and blinding colours.
  • The rice is different than normal rice.
  • Seafood's easily available. (Penguins and Polar bears need to migrate to India's coastal areas!)
  • Everyone develops too fast but looks younger than their age eventually. They literally stop ageing!

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