Who am I?

Sitting bored at work, I half scribbled and half doodled this. It as usual, reflects my state of mind and doesn't focus on any pattern, flow or anything technical. Maybe I should be embarrassed putting this up but it's something I wrote and just like the bad that is in me, this too will get accepted by me.

Who am I?

Am I the woman people from the past see,
The woman who is 'bourgeoisie'?
Am I the woman the strangers see,
The one who always listens to mp3s?
Am I the woman who colleagues see,
The one who's addicted to Green Tea?
Am I the woman who friends see,
The one who cleans up all the debris?
Am I the woman who parents see,
The one on a destruction spree?
Am I the woman my siblings see,
The one who rebels, never agrees?
Am I the woman my in-laws will see,
The one who just wants to be!
Am I the woman my husband will see,
The one who fights the tide in the sea?
Am I the woman my children will see,
The one who pretends to be jolie?
Or am I the woman who I see,
The one who struggles to be set free!

Perfect Timing

Time! How funny and strange time is.
Sometimes there's too much of it and you don't know what to do with it.
Sometimes there's just not enough and try as you might, you face a losing battle to steal as much of it as you can.
The thing about time is that it may heal wounds; it may torture you with the past. It may reveal all the battles you've been in through your face, body or behavior.
It can also throw memories back in your face and blindside you with the strongest of emotions. Emotions you thought time had helped you forget. It could be a simple word, smell, or a glimpse. Anything can trigger that flashback. You are once again that helpless person stuck in time. The pain doesn't seem to end and the future never seems to materialize.
What do you do with all the time that has already passed?
How do you prevent your mind and heart from going all nostalgic?
Your time on earth is limited. So much of it gets wasted. It all may add to life lessons, but mostly, it's wasted!
So much of it is also spent being ungrateful and on reflecting on the past. Quite like I'm doing now. But is it still time wasted if you talk about the value of time? The worth of time? The cost of time?
I will never get this moment back. I can never recreate that earlier moment in time.
Is there anything worse than living a life of regrets or denial?
Even the strongest can crumble with this burden.
All I can do is reflect, reminisce, and rebuild.

Terminator: Genysis

I had gone for a movie a few months back (I don't watch a lot of movies in Cinemas) and saw the trailer of Terminator Genisys. Somewhere deeeeep down in my heart I got a little excited. I had loved 'The Terminator' as a child, but now, especially after having watched the latest one, I have begun to cringe at the mere mention of it. I'll admit, the sequel wasn't SO bad and I may be more biased towards the original movie because well, nostalgia and it was entertaining. The same can't be said for Terminator Genisys.

Terminator, Terminator *shakes head in disappointment*. Oh you poor stupid old fool. You haven't been able to terminate anything for decades now!

It's been some twenty years and these so called advanced, liquid morphing (no upgrades there eh?) machines are still TRYING to kill Sarah Connor. Skynet decides to do something about it and that's pretty much the movie in a nutshell. What is really annoying - more than the clashing plot-lines in the series, is that the Terminator can't wipe out his targets AND he has no right to be called the 'Terminator' anymore...Like at all...Ever...The titles of the movies need to change because he only keeps 'saving' and 'protecting' the Connors. 

Protecting Sarah since childhood

In Genysis they take the original character to newer lows and reduce him to a trained dog! He obeys commands like stay, stop, jumps in front of you in the face of danger and attacks like a pitbull.

Apart from his watchdog qualities, (also getting his ass whooped all the time) he's constantly referred to as "old but not obsolete". The makers of Genysis decided to take a massive dump on the Terminator and made him more fatherly towards the woman he was originally suppose to kill (part 1). He's literally called Pops in this movie! How far the movies have strayed from the original. Sigh.

Keeps 'trip down memory lane' drawings

Fuddy duddy daddy

In competition when trying to one up 'Dad'

Watching you with a frown when you kiss bae (considering what's coming next...hint hint - sex)

More disapproving Pop's looks 

A Terminator with arthritis? (his hand starts shaking in this scene)

Five movies down and Sarah Connor (and the result of her 'one night stand while on the run') still manage to be on every Terminator Machine's hit list! The Terminators have in every movie just thrown their 'targets' around but somehow always manage to kill only cops/security folks.
The get tased

Shot at


and back-stabbed

There are two ways to make a Terminator movie - before Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor did 'it' and after they did 'it'. Only then can we look at humanity being a threat to machine's existence...Or something like that. One would think after shooting a gazillion bullets on the robots, they would carry less guns and more bazookas or grenades or as demonstrated some 40 mins into the movie - use acid where the machine can turn into mush. Especially when the Terminator can't come back from this. Yet throughout the movie we keep seeing only guns being used to 'stop' it.

Help me! I'm meeeellllting!!

One would also think if Skynet is SO smart, why it not send more than one Terminator in the beginning. Like only one at a time to kill Sarah? To kill Kyle? If the newer Terminators can detach parts of their machinery then why can't they look at splitting themselves and attacking all at once? or using multiple weapons and all to kill targets?

Terminators literally hanging around

I don't remember much about the robots, but does a shot to the heart really kill them? Is it that easy? Then why do they keep wasting bullets on them trying to 'slow them down'.

Genysis just felt like the makers were being lazy. They used the exact same stunts, dialogues and action scenes - the shot in the eye, the Edward Blade arms. Genisys actually reminded me of Hindi movies from the 80s where the priority was to confuse the audience, throw unnecessary action, and in this series case - done to death time-travel plotlines and of course, ignoring logic! 

Whenever it was time to make a getaway, why on earth were they always picking the heaviest and slowest vehicles? The mini truck was it, in the first chase scene? Then the school bus!! All of this for three people! It's not like other vehicles weren't available.  

Plenty to choose from

Even had bikes waiting around!

But they decide to go for biggest and brightest thing they could find
Yea, they get spotted in literally 3 seconds!

As expected, they lose their head-start advantage in no time!

Maybe because A BIKE was used by the Terminator!

To cut a long story short, all three of them (Sarah, Kyle and Pops) took an entire movie to stop Skynet and right towards the end Pops single handedly (quite literally) puts an end to it all in the stupidest way. If ever there was a time to face palm, this was it!

The one armed Pops

One arm lifts

One arm body slams

And just when you think it's finally all over and RIP Terminator. This happens!

All in all, the only things worth watching (if at all) would be the trailers for this movie. Time to terminate making anymore Terminator movies. Am I right? Am I right??

Necessary Lies

I love books that make me question the grey areas in life. Relationships, ethics, society's expectations and so many more such topics. The book I'm currently listening to (almost done) is Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain. I'm not sure if I want to call this a book review because I'm mostly going to be looking at sharing points from the book that made me think or at the very least made me question where I stand on some topics. Since I'm pressed for time I'm going to just go ahead and call it a 'review'.

                                                                                      Image from goodreads

In brief, the story takes place somewhere in the 60s (if I remember correctly) and is about a woman who becomes a Social Worker. She keeps having to face the fact that she's different because of her outlook towards life. She's someone who 'cares too much' and shows humanity to people who live on welfare. She has to decide their futures and help with their living conditions. The story itself is nothing that hasn't been written about before but the writing style has a flow to it. Not once did I ever feel like I wasn't drawn into the lives of the characters.

The case workers are the ones who have certain metrics in place and decide based on the environment, family history, health conditions, education levels and IQ if a person needs 'steralization' or not. Humans are literally treated like cats/dogs that need to get neutered and no one wants to acknowledge that the victims have feelings, attachments and desires too. Desires are only connected to sex and not dreams, wishes or hopes. The 'adults' can choose to opt for a procedure to stop from having anymore kids or not. But in most cases the people living on Welfare are either 'colored people' or 'white trash'. The majority of the population sees sex as a form of release from their stressful, labor dominant, meaningless lives. The average age to get pregnant in such communities is shown as 15ish. These young adults and sometimes even children as young as 10 are robbed off their future because they're poor, hence dumb and will only burden society by going at it like bunnies and end up with babies they can't take care of.

Throughout the book there are arguments between logic and feelings and that's what kept drawing me into it. On one hand you KNOW there isn't a future, you KNOW because of negligence the child is in danger, you KNOW without education and any skills there's a very bleak future for a 'stupid' character. Yet, with such strong emotions, well intentions, and the hope for change really makes you question what is really right or wrong.

Is it right for the Government to judge the life of a child/young adult based on their current situation? Generally, your teenage years are considered the 'awkward years' - where you're looking at figuring out what your life has in store for you. When you're making that inevitable transition into adulthood. You're trying to get comfortable in your skin yet trying not to stand out. How can anyone be asked to make a decision during all these changes? How can you be forced to live with a choice made at such a young age for the rest of your life? Can you or anybody else really rob someone off their rights, their dreams, their choices? Do you erase poverty by erasing traces of the person?

Another point I found interesting is that the book addresses sex education in such environments. Sex is used as an escapism technique, a form of release, a means of survival and a means to control. A household of three members is focused on in the book and one character enjoys sex with one partner but has very low understanding of sex education. The other knows about it and maybe has multiple partners, may not use protection always, doesn't enjoy sex but is still active. The third one is old, next to hates sex - believing it to be a nuisance because of unwanted pregnancies. I thought the Author showed this particular subject in a very lovely way. There were so many perspectives on what the majority of people blame as ignorance / loose morals. I was looking at all the situations and how other characters were reacting to sex - even their judgements and biases added to the beauty of how this was handled.

The last topic that really stood out for me is one that I've thought about on and off for years. The funny thing is I always come back with a different view on this topic when I reflect upon it...
                             The truth!
How important is it to tell the truth? What if the truth hurts someone? Who are you really telling the truth for - yourself? Who is to say what is right or wrong? If the lie has kept someone happy, or at least not depressed, should you really go and tell them the truth? The truth is so subjective and this book drives that point. At least I believe it so.

All in all, I really enjoyed how 'Necessary Lies' is one of those few books that makes me question my views and leaves a door open for debate without being too dramatic or boring. 


Sleepless night
Restless mind
Lost in thought
Feel so confined
Endless wait
Breathless state
You've moved on
Found your soulmate
Heartless you
Thoughtless me
Left with nothing
I'll never be free

I survived 'Surviving Michael'!

Have you ever sat in the wrong class and realized you're trapped? You can't get out of it and can't sit through it for whatever reason. I was reminded of this trapped feeling while reading 'Surviving Michael.' I hate criticizing another persons hard work because God knows I have no passion or drive to come up with something on my own. I also have this innate need to finish what I start. So abandoning the book was not on the cards for someone like me. Having said that, the book forced me to write this post. It was that powerful!

Early Bollywood movies had this concept of throwing too many plot lines into a movie. So much so that it made no sense at all and the audience left feeling wtf just happened in the last xyz time frame of my life! This is definitely the case with 'Surviving Michael'. This post does contain spoilers so beware...Or just be thankful that I spared you some real screwing with the mind!

Let's get to it!

The cover of the book says: Five boys begin a game of dares. Only four will survive. 

Yeaaaa...That sounded interesting in concept but sadly that's where the interesting bit ends. Without going into an analysis of the story/or writing a summary; I do want to point out things that struck me as odd, unnecessary or made me go WTF! 

1. Before you can even remember who the main characters are in the book, within the first 5-7 pages this one dimensional character, Michael drowns in a well while his friends look on. Joseph Birchall doesn't even give us time to register this and feel anything for the characters and we're forced to move to 15 years later soon after the death.

2. These 30 something year old men decide that their failures in life have been because they never really got over their guilt and the water that drowned Michael "took away their ambition, love of life and of each other, innocence, foolishness and replaced all with guilt." This would have been fine on its own and there's plenty to discuss with just this plot line. But that doesn't happen here! The story forcefully moves ahead.

3. The way to finally start 'living' is by doing ridiculous dares. Something that may have still passed as motivation when they were maybe 13 year old boys but as grown men the dares excuse gets more and more ludicrous. Much of the book is spent showing these completely unlikable and sexist men (who are responsible for two deaths in the book!) endure public humiliation, breaking the law in every sense of the word: (in no particular order) - Carjacking, murder, breaking the speed limit, robbery, and facing near death situations all because of a dare game that was started 15 years ago!

4. No time is wasted between the characters on trying to convince each other to do a dare. If it's a dare YOU MUST DO IT OR DIE TRYING! Everyone's on-board with it! Nothing to live for, miserable existence, etc.

Some of the dares:
  • Tell every woman in a bar as a pick up line - she's cute and ask if she would like to go home with the fat, pervy slob. Make the dare more challenging by making the fat, pervy slob do the asking!
  • Get blonde dye jobs 
  • Walk from one exit to the other of the highway in the middle of the road against the direction of the traffic.
  • Break into a police station and drive 100+ miles an hour on a highway with the sirens on instead of taking the offered 'out' from the dare which is going bald for a few weeks!
  • Being thrown in the air by a plane while trying to jump? I didn't get this. Don't want to bother because the dares said so!! Also, when the first attempt to complete a dare is unsuccessful then risk your life again so you can get thrown around like a rag-doll and walk away with next to no injuries. All so you can continue doing more dares!
5. Constant emphasis on superficial things and appearances such as weight is made on almost every page! It's almost like you're not allowed to feel anything or even live if you're not good looking or are obese! Just go and die!!!!

6. Eating disorders are shown in a very clinical way without attempting to feel any empathy for the character. Obesity is seen as something disgusting and paves the way to allow people to bully you, humiliate you and break down your self esteem. Violence features in many forms which I don't even want to get into, and disrespecting women is taken SO casually. A good slap here, a verbal abuse there. All in good fun!!

7. The only way a fat guy can hit it off with a woman is if she's a prostitute or if she's got low self esteem, down in the dumps, rebounding or is chubby! In the case of the book, it's all of the above.

8. Most of the characters don't know how to even be around women let alone talk to them. The women are purely around to be objectified or screwed.  

9. It really gets my goat when male prostitution is shown as a public service to women. These female 'clients' are soo unhappy and the only way to give them any joy or doing something good for them is by sleeping with them. Why can't it just be taken for what it is?? Why does male prostitution always have to be done as a favor or as a good public service being offered by this generous soul?

This is where the plot just went crazy:

A pointless death happens and suddenly the dares are taken to the next level (because lives mean nothing in this book). A bank van robbery is planned. Now, the average thief might take days, weeks, months or even years to attempt to steal from a bank. Not our brave champs here. They decide to steal on a whim. Once again they have nothing to look forward to in life, meaningless existence, etc.

So, a conversation is overheard in a canteen where the characters must have spent some 5 minutes at. But they managed to overhear convenient details for a robbery that the guards were mouthing off in such a public place. Things like: How long are the cops away from the van, what time does the delivery happen, how many guards and cops are assigned to this route, the route itself, what specific days this van comes on. I mean...It's like fate wanted them to do it! How else do you plan a heist without doing any research or heck, any work at all?

Taking this as a sign from the Gods, our team of halfwits decide to steal a car and track down the van full of money! Get this, the mask for the robbery is a t-shirt found in the bottom of a gym bag in that stolen vehicle! The other mask is a tracksuit bottom over the head where the legs of the pants are tied around the face. Yes! That's right! AAAAAND they don't even remember what day it is for them to pull off this robbery. The deliveries happen on Mondays and Thursdays. They decided to steal first, check dates later because, well, fate was on their side.

The best part, I haven't done any research on this bitto see if it's possible  and I have no intention of doing so because I feel like an idiot just typing it. 

They manage to steal huge amounts of cash without a gun. No big deal right? Not unheard of. There have been cases of robberies done with toy guns and other weapons for decades now. But I haven't read something so stupid in a while! This team had no guns so they decided to use a more hands on approach. Literally, they stuck their fingers under their t-shirts and pointed it like a gun. 

One would think if employed with a bank, you would know some basic training...I'm not talking about things like what to do at gunpoint or high stress situations, I'm talking about basics like being able to tell if there's a gun being pointed at you, is it real, etc. I can only assume we weren't expected to reach so far in the story hence the 'I care a damn about details.'

Our heroes also happened to have a really sturdy, lucky gym bag from the stolen vehicle to keep stolen money in. Exactly how much money will go in a gym bag? If you've decided to commit a crime, doesn't it make sense to invest a little time and brain cells to think and plan? Maybe keep a bigger bag around for starters??? Maybe have bags for each person. Simple math? Or have a backup vehicle incase your primary vehicle is destroyed in a car crash. 

As luck would have it, that is what happens. But our quick-to-think-on-their feet foursome don't need old fashioned getaway cars to exit crime scenes in style. They decide to take a bus...A PUBLIC BUS! They even hop on board a ferry. The higher the stakes and chase, the slower and more public the transport!

An attempt is made at creating some depth to the characters. too bad it's all towards the end of the book. it really just doesn't matter anymore. Try as you might to use soap opera drama between two characters like one night stands, an illegitimate baby, murder, redemption and more blah blah, no one cares at this stage!!!  

After having to endure all this and more there's really nothing else to tell you about the ending. It's even more flat than the beginning and middle of the plot. Two more characters die (hints are given that one may have survived and run off with the loot, the girl and the one night stand baby) and two are rotting away peacefully in prison. It's really hard to digest that this really fast descent into full-fledged crime happened on the basis of dares between grown men and in a span of a few days, all while being sober! Which only tells you they're a bunch of idiots!

Bottom line: The concept of the book held promise but the story went haywire and the whole book just seemed pointless and a waste of time at the end. Sorry Joseph Birchall, I REALLY wouldn't recommend this book for even a one time read. Not everyone can survive Michael!

Tick Tock

Time is wild,
Time is free.
Time needs care,
Can't you see?

Time passes,
Time 'heals'.
Time owns you
Time slowly reveals.

Feel helpless.
Watch time go by.
You can't hold on.
Don't ask why.

You can't capture it.
All you can do is feel.
You can't re-live it.
But, a part of you it'll steal.


Everybody's happy.
Forget those memories,
The time you spent together.
All those times you promised forever.

Hide the pain,
Swallow that pride.
Even though inside, you've died.

Hold your head high.
Erase the past.
It wasn't meant to last.

Everybody's happy!
While your soul dies.
Your heart is crushed.
All those feelings you've shushed.

Everybody's happy.
Even the one you love.
Just not with you.
Paste on that smile;
...If only he knew...


Today I mourn the death of my relationship that was. I cry for the boy I met and regret the man he's become. I am still stuck in the past. Re-living every feeling, smile, kiss and fight. The future looks bleak. I watch as his life progresses while mine stands still. What a hefty price I've had to pay for thinking. There is no moment when I don't feel pain. My soul yearns peace and nothing can calm it. I watch my dreams get crushed and my love become meaningless. You've moved on. I suppose so should I. I wish my path was laid out like how yours fell into place. Instead I struggle...I continue to struggle. With the past, the present and the future. When will I finally sleep? When will my mind, body and soul accept? You are not mine to love anymore. You will never be mine to love anymore. Because the man I fell in love with was kind, patient, and understanding. He had a forgiving heart and a lifetime's worth of unconditional love to give. Instead, the man I see now causes pain, abuses secrets and misunderstands... he also forgets! How easily he forgets. So, I mourn the death of my relationship that carried me through good times and especially bad. What I really mourn today is the death of me.

Worth it

There's no pain like that which comes from a broken heart. Especially when the entire world told you not to do something, not to trust someone; but that pesky heart still did it!
The result - You end up with a head full of memories that need to be forgotten, a heart that can not heal anymore and time that continues to stand still.
Layer by layer, piece by piece you show yourself to someone. Trust them with your future, your life. Who knew 3 years can be wiped clean in 3 months?
You have experienced pain before. Heck, you were born to survive it. But then someone comes along, pierces through that armor you put your heart behind and walks away after giving you hope.
You feel like a chump! Was it all worth it? To love and lose? To let him slip away? To intentionally let him go so he would come back? To still pray for his happiness despite him being such a dick towards you? When he threw away years of love, patience and support to fulfill his 'dream'? And worse, to marry someone else to prove a point??
When did I become so stupid?? How could I not see? I still love him...so much...that brings around a whole wave of other feelings.
To him I say: be happy with your wife in your new life. I hope she's worth it...I hope it's all worth it!

Give and Take

Give me back my youth.
All those years I waited.
How you deny the truth!
My heart is now deflated.

Take back all the promises.
Take with you the pain.
Undo all the damages.
Take away my shame!

Give me my life back
And the heart you took.
Need to get back on track.
Play it by the book.

Take back your hate.
Which has replaced the love.
Maybe it WAS fate.
A sign from above.

Give me back peace.
The one you viciously stole.
Help my memories find release.
Return me my soul.

Love lost.

Another one from the past.

It takes two to sin
One to judge
Moved on already?
Then why still hold a grudge?

Everything's different
Yet still the same.
Everywhere I look,
I see you, it's insane!

What happened to the wait?
All my years lost?
Now it's too late.
Such a heavy cost.

You were once mine.
Heart, body and soul.
I walked away
You said fine!

This is how it ends.
The death of us.
You with another.
...There's nothing more to discuss.

True Blood

They say friends are the family you choose. If that's the case then I'm better off with the family I was born into. Over the years I've come to realize in a very harsh way, that nothing really can compare to family. There are of course friends who I cherish and still love and will do anything for. But once a tie breaks it's gone forever. It seems like nothing is going to mend that tie back.

I wasn't one to have many friends to begin with. I always made it a point to focus on a more developed friendship hence I used to put all my energy into having only ONE best friend at a time. In my teens I realized I didn't care anymore. I was too busy with other things so friends took a backseat. It took me a move to India to realize that friends are really important. There needs to be a balance in life and friends add that balance. It's too bad I fell into the wrong crowd and trusted all the wrong people. But after that I wised up and made some strong bonds with some amazing people which are still very much a part of my life.

I was very fortunate to have such awesome people in my life at the most crucial stages. The number of people in my trusted circle seems to go down every few years but I suppose that's how life is. Other things take a priority and all that energy is focused on something else more important. Friends get their own lives, you have to start walking your own path either with your partner or alone. Whatever the case may be, friends are simply that...Just friends...Never family. They WILL judge you...They WILL betray you...and even though family can do these things too...The blood bond I suppose gives them a lifetime free pass for forgiveness and unconditional love.

Back to the Future

When I was a little girl, I more or less had an idea of what my life would end up being like. It was of course, never always the SAME future. But I had a sort of a trailer running in my head of my life and a future plan. Now that I'm an 'adult' (never by choice!) I don't see those thoughts as childish or immature. I see them as thoughts of a dreamer. Which, anyone who knows me, will know is hard to imagine considering I'm too practical for my own good.

I remember Robert Frost's 'The Road not Taken' (yes, yes it doesn't literally mean the road not taken) from grade 10 and constantly ask myself to go down the road I had not taken. I don't regret my choices or my decisions. But I do end up thinking about what kind of life would I have been leading if not this one. I'm sure everyone does the 'what if' in their lives. I seem to be reflecting more and more on it as I grow older. I know without the path I travelled on, I would not be the person I am today. I will NEVER give that person up. I fought hard to become who I am.

I fought with myself to accept my mistakes and my choices, I fought hard with family and society to let me live my life on my terms and I have no regrets! Sure, there are certain things that could have been avoided to make my life easier but then again, those little things too have contributed in making me who I am today. My dreamer days are behind me altogether and I face the harsh realities of life everyday. This is a new future, a REAL future. I look forward to it and embrace the possibilities the unknown is going to bring.

All in all, I say it's been a lifelong battle to be comfortable in my own skin (flaws, flab and all).
But the good news is, I'm almost there now. :)

Everything that went wrong

I gave you my care
You refused  it
I gave you my trust
You betrayed it
I showed you patience
You abused it
I made you promise
You broke it
I gave you respect
You rejected it
I gave you support
You denied it
I gave you my heart
You threw it
I gave you my soul
You crushed it
I made you my dream
You woke it
I gave you every emotion
You played with it
I gave you my forgiveness
You ignored it
I gave you year after year
You wasted it
So, I walked away
You misunderstood it

Choices maketh the woman

I don't know where people get the feeling that I am living a life of regrets. I am not! I never have and I never will. I have only one life just like every one here on earth and I'm NOT going to waste it on looking back and regretting anything. I've had SO many curve balls thrown at me and I always come out stronger than before. There are a dime a dozen people who sit and judge or pass their comments on how I live my life. My life's path is unconventional but at least I am happy that I got to live it the way I wanted to. Yes, I've made mistakes! But who hasn't?

I have always loved truly and deeply. I have always given every relationship (whether the person deserved my love or not) a 100%. I am happy with the person that I am. I never try to hurt anyone intentionally, I always focused on the bigger things in life such as kindness and the likes. I don't find humor or get my kicks out of seeing ANYONE in pain...No matter how much they've hurt me or the people I love. I have never regretted any decision or choice I have made. If people who claim to know me say that or feel that then they really haven't figured out who I am yet.

There are also those who like to judge me based on my beliefs. Whether it's my choices on my lifestyle or my faith. I have made peace with the haters. I'm going to leave it to Allah to deal with them. If I am being judged then only Allah has the right to do it. No other human!

I would have wanted things to be different in my life but Allah had other plans and those are plans that I will not question or try to fight. My choices are mine and only mine alone. I am never one to respond or react rashly (as short tempered and impatient as I am) and I never take a decision based on emotions. If a decision is made, then it is truly thought out without the influence of ANYONE else. I am a practical person and will never say things I don't mean. I don't see the point or the need to prove my faith, my beliefs, my choices or my life to anyone anymore! Just live and let live!!

It Hurts

Another one from the collection:

it hurts to see your face
it hurts to feel your embrace
it hurts to see you smile
it hurts even though it's been a while
it hurts to remember you
it hurts to remember how you'd woo
it hurts to hear your voice
it hurts to face your choice
it hurts to remember your touch
it hurts coz I remember it so much
it hurts when I'm awake
it hurts more than my heart can take
it hurts when I'm asleep
it hurts coz the pain's too deep
it hurts to see you move on
it hurts that you're truly gone
it hurts; if you only knew
it hurts because I still love you

All that Chatter

Looking back over the year that's passed, I feel like I've lived through a hurricane! I've made it out alive and kicking! I came across something I had written and figured why not share?

"I'll wait for you forever."
"I'll leave you never."
"I'll always fight for us."
"You'll never have to adjust."
"I'll never force you."
"I'll change my point of view."
"You'll never cry again."
"I'll never cause you pain."
"I'll love you unconditionally."
"I'll treat you with dignity."
"You are my rare gem."
"I won't ever be like them."
"I will do it all."
"I'll support you if you fall."
"I am so proud of you."
"You are my baby boo."
"You are so beautiful."
"I'm always truthful."
"I will give you space."
"I will never forget your face."
"I will take care of you when you're old."
"I'll keep you warm when you're cold."
"I love how you are."
"You are my morning star."
"I'll never give up."
"You won't cook any grub!"
"You'll never be alone."
"Soon I'll leave, I'll be gone."
"We'll build a life together."
"Yes, I've found another."
"You left me!!"
"We weren't meant to be."
"I'm happy now."
"See ya! Ciao!"


I was facing quite a few problems all at once and had become even more negative and 'cribby' than usual. Thankfully all those around me have been putting up with me without complaints. I sometimes feel I'm surrounded with those with patience of saints!

Coming back to what I was saying...It literally took ONE night to change my perspective on my situation. I believe in signs Allah sends us and how he guides us. I'm very grateful to the wonderful changes he has brought into my life. Although initially I may have been aloof or even ungrateful. I have made peace with the situations I've had to face and am finally looking at everything from a completely new perspective.

I have accepted my mistakes, I have forgiven myself and others for all the hurt and pain I've had to experience in the last couple of months. I am even grateful for the pain because it has brought me closer to Allah than anything ever would have. I am grateful for the gift of guilt that continues to guide me and motivate me to do better.

The only way I can describe such a drastic change and all the inner peace I feel would have to be, thankfully, because of Allah. I pray I'm able to follow the path he's nudged me on.

So...For now, I'm happy! Alhamdulillah :)

The Rut!

The weather outside has forced me to start reflecting...on life...my decisions...my mood. Does the reason why it's happened even matter? The point is it's got me in the mood to write.

So, I'm in another phase of my life and it seems like it doesn't get better as you grow older. In fact, I'm still asking myself questions I did from the last decade!

What are these blasted questions you ask? Just off the top of my head I'm gonna jot down a few:

How long does it take for a person to GROW the F up?
How many years does a person need to realize the mistakes he/she made?
Why is it SO damn hard for people to admit things?
Why is there always this need to protect the ego and to pretend like all's good?
Will the world end if we show that NOTHING is alright?
Why must we ignore our feelings and keep thinking about others?
How much hold will we continue to allow our families and society to have over us?
When will we finally cut ourselves some slack for everything we've been through?

You end up wasting years and years of your life...Chasing a dream...Looking forward to a future...A life...Following a path...Only to come to a dead end.

Sure, you can do something about it. It's all in your hands. Blah, blah, blah. But what if you can't? What if you've tried and there still isn't any difference? What if this is it?? There is no more life is offering you and you've tried to make the best of a bad situation but it doesn't matter because nothing will change.

Coming back to my original thought...It feels like nothing ever changes. You get older, you get wiser, you survive all that life throws at you, but in the end you do the same shit year after year. You try to change things around. You TRY to make it different. But when you're in a rut...You're in a damn rut! So....Yep, been looking for a change for 10 years now and still, NOTHING has changed.

Damn you rut!

More Ramblings

When I talk to myself I end up asking questions rather than just stating something. Some of the endless questions I've been asking myself are: How do you remove an important person from your life? How can you just walk away and remove them as a VIP from your life? Do you erase all the memories you shared? Do you forget all the good times? What do you do with all that information you unknowingly picked up about them?...Like their likes, their dislikes...How do you move away and not look back? What happens to all the things that remind you of them? They're gone from your life but they've taken a piece of you with them .They have reached deep down and seen you for who you are and you've done the same for them. After all that acceptance, fights, tears and love. Where do all these feelings go? How many times can a broken heart heal itself? How many times can you pick yourself up and dust yourself off?

I've heard too many answers to my questions resulting in the same: Time! True, time can heal almost all wounds but what if the wounds never reach the wounds stage and continue to be scabs? You have to be willing to let go before you can let your pain heal. Sometimes no matter how much time passes, it just feels like there's no end to the hurt you experience. Eventually the person fades away from your life only to be replaced by another. But the pain when you think of them may decrease...But it never goes away. It never completely goes away. I suppose that's why people say it takes courage to give your heart and yourself over to someone else. What they do with it is a chance you're going to have to take. Is it all worth it? All the shit you put yourself through for 'love'?

I've experienced too much in life to say a simple 'yes' to that question. Maybe my day has yet to come. The day when I will be able to say 'Yes, all those years of pain and heartbreak and bullshit were worth it....You made it worth it!'
