Today I mourn the death of my relationship that was. I cry for the boy I met and regret the man he's become. I am still stuck in the past. Re-living every feeling, smile, kiss and fight. The future looks bleak. I watch as his life progresses while mine stands still. What a hefty price I've had to pay for thinking. There is no moment when I don't feel pain. My soul yearns peace and nothing can calm it. I watch my dreams get crushed and my love become meaningless. You've moved on. I suppose so should I. I wish my path was laid out like how yours fell into place. Instead I struggle...I continue to struggle. With the past, the present and the future. When will I finally sleep? When will my mind, body and soul accept? You are not mine to love anymore. You will never be mine to love anymore. Because the man I fell in love with was kind, patient, and understanding. He had a forgiving heart and a lifetime's worth of unconditional love to give. Instead, the man I see now causes pain, abuses secrets and misunderstands... he also forgets! How easily he forgets. So, I mourn the death of my relationship that carried me through good times and especially bad. What I really mourn today is the death of me.

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