I've always believed the visually visible pain a person can feel is far worse than one that you can't see. Heartbreak, the one emotion that helps instigate a million other emotions. Including both good and bad ones. It's amazing how at the time of the relationship one can feel so amazing and at the top of their game but the minute that bubble bursts and the relationship is over everything you did or said becomes meaningless. It all seems childish and ridiculous even!
The very fact that you thought you shared your inner most thoughts and feelings with that person which becomes all for nothing the minute they're out of your life!
The never ending pain just doesn't go away no matter what. Of course wise people say the best healer is time itself but with time patience is needed. The pain and pieces of a broken heart can't be mended in a matter of days or sometimes even months. People have different ways to deal with it but at the end deep down we all feel like losers at some stage. Hours, days even weeks can go by lost in thoughts of the past with no control over neither emotions nor thoughts!
How do you deal with a heartbreak?
Is ignoring the feeling or that person an answer? Or is throwing yourself at the mercy of keeping yourself occupied without allowing a single second to pass where you have to think about that person.
The walls we build, the egos we try to save, the barriers we put, the shields we use to protect ourselves are of no use. Love and pain go hand in hand. Unfortunately, pain is an unavoidable part of life which we need to face time and time again!
I feel, I understand, I empathise. I know I'm not alone, but it doesn't make me feel any better.
ReplyDeleteI guess its a part of the learning process ....learning the lesson called life...it throws situations and challenges at us that are diffiuclt to overcome, which in some cases seem impossible to overcome..but all this only to make us a better human being, a stronger individual!! I know its easier said than done, but as they say no matter what.. LIFE GOES ON!!