No One Killed Jessica!

I saw the movie No one Killed Jessica today. Like any self respecting human being the well made movie evoked various emotions in me such as anger, frustration and deep sadness. I did wish though that the ending was a little more dramatic like perhaps a court scene which showed Manu Sharma hearing the news of not getting away with the crime. The reaction and consequences of those who became hostile witnesses, etc. Nevertheless I loved the movie for showing such brilliant subdued acting and not getting carried away with commercializing the sensitive matter.

It did sadden me though to think about the other unresolved cases in India and worldwide. I mean, justice takes almost a lifetime! It's hard enough dealing with the loss of that member and then waiting and dragging the procedure of attaining justice for decades seems not just unfair but outright cruel!

How is one supposed to move on when there's a constant reminder of such a horrid crime committed? Once again I am sickened by the sort of society we live in where without a public furror nothing in India seems to work on in the favour of the common man.

We are fortunate though that we have such passionate people out there who would go to any extent along with the media to see that justice is served. I just pray and hope that we can bring about a change at least for the next generation to live in a safer India!

The details of the Jessica Lal case are on:

Cases of more rich bigwigs/influencial people trying to get away with murder are:

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