God's own Country

I finally found the pics I took when I went to Kerala with Tiku. One of the best trips I've been on...Must do this more often! :)

On the way to Kerala
This is what travelling Saba looks like! A complete behenji :p
Our entertainment for the journey.
View from the Train of Northern Kerala.
Tiku's house! :)
The talented and gifted Kishore. Our first meeting after some 4-5 years. :)

:DDDDD When two of my best friends meet!
My gift for Kishi...Amazing how we both gifted each other something to do with time! :)
Kishore's gift to me!...A spankin' new Fastrack watch which he surprised me with...Sneaky!! :)
Outside a temple...Man, considering both of us are non Hindu's we had to sneak in and pretend that we were NRI's who came to the temple for worship...though my expressions and lost behavior was a dead give away! :)

The zoooooooo:

The cool bear who responds to our beck and call!

Don't even get me started on this pic...I can't believe this was there smack in the middle of the road for all to see. The perverts prob have a field day looking at this...Really embarrassing!...Families and kids walking around looking at this nude woman...
Hehehehehe...The last one cracks me up!
Pervert!!...Damn frustrated sculptor!
Yup...Panicker's travel...I still chuckle over that!
A taste of 'Sharjah Shake' :p
Another gift from Kishi to me! :)
I loved this sea world place that we randomly discovered.
Yes folks...U saw right...that's a 'toy' vacuum for a child...Except IT'S NOT A TOY!!...

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