2010 brought about the biggest changes in my life...I simply loved it!...Despite all the drama, stress and tension I really came through as a much stronger and better person. The highs and lows of nostalgia engulfed me when I reflected on this year...
The year started off with me surprising all by becoming an Assistant Manager for a company I had always hoped I would get a second chance to work with. I had left in a hurry for personal reasons and always felt regret for not knowing how far I would get. I have now realized if it wasn't for the people in this company(my friends know who they are!) it wouldn't be an experience worthy of fighting so hard for.
The things I learned in 2010:
I learned to be a lot more patient.
I learned to not let things affect me that I have no control over.
I learned to be more forgiving.
I learned that my confidence and self esteem are back...Maybe they never left...But may have faded with time.
I learned that the separation of a loved one doesn't mean that they don't love you anymore.
I learned life gives you second chances and you should grab it with both hands.
I learned to get along with people who I didn't.
I learned that I am not as chicken shit as I thought I was. My trip to Bhubhaneshwar was my 'out there' feat.
I learned that although I may not meet my best friend or talk to him for 4 years I can pick up from where we left off.
I learned to have fun.
I learned to be a better friend and person.
I learned to start fighting for whats's right.
I learned to trust.
I learned that if you love, care and trust someone enough you can overlook/ignore even the biggest things.
I learned to give good advice and be the pillar of support I would want my friends to be.
I learned to be a pirate! :p Yes, my pirating business is at it's prime...Movies...songs...sitcoms...books...videos...you name it I download it!
I learned to move on in life.
I learned that looking back in your past doesn't have to be painful.
I learned that I made some amazing new friends who I hope will be with me for life.
I learned that I can let go off my fears.
I learned that I can do anything for those who I love.
I learned I'm not THAT bad of a dancer (Misbah's Manjay! :p)
I learned a lot professionally too. Learned how to use excel, create attractive splashes, etc.
I also learned that no matter how badly you slog it out if you don't work smart that work means nothing!
I learned to emotionally detach myself from a situation and assess situations coming up with what I feel would be the right sort of decision.
I learned to basically enjoy my year even through the down phases I learned to never lose faith.
I learned religion is more embibbed in me than I thought.
I learned my personality has done a 360 from the year before.
I learned that sometimes you may come across some people who you thought were important but time and God reveals their purpose in your life all at the right time.
I learned that true love does exist (Misb and Shaan!).
I learned Baj (the woman of many talents) has one more talent that we didn't know off. She's amazing academically!
I learned that perceptions can be changed if you're patient enough.
But most importantly I learned to love another with all my heart despite getting burned in the process. I don't care anymore about the hurt because the experience showed me a part of me existed which I wasn't even aware of. I will use this knowledge in the future and try to make it a prosperous one!
Looking forward to 2011...May you bring in more changes and a lot more happiness than 2010! :)