Happy Birthday Misb!

My dearest sister Misbah,

You're not here with us to celebrate your birthday this year but I'm sure you're having fun with Shaan and family! :)

Just thought I'd write something for you to let you know what you mean to me...Thought why not blog it while I'm at it :)

Words can't describe what you mean to me. It's no secret that I love you with all my heart. You've been my best friend ever since I can remember. It's been one heck of a journey till here and you've always guided me, protected me, covered for me and been there for me no matter what. You've been my role model all my life. Despite my many flaws you've always accepted me the way that I am.

You've taught me to never judge people (which I feel is my best quality), to be understanding, patient, caring and loving. Without your love and affection my heart would have been made of complete stone by now.

I miss you terribly now that you're gone. The feeling of incompleteness will be with me my entire life. But I find solace and comfort in the fact that you're spending the rest of your life with the man of your dreams pursuing what you've always wanted to. I pray that your happy ending we used to imagine when we use to play Barbie games together as kids, remains happy for the rest of your life.

I wish and pray for your good health, happiness and success in the next phase of your life. I will always love you and turn to you for guidance and support in the years to come as well. So, go on, life your life and continue to make us proud in all that you do as you have always done. :)

To end it, as I usually do, here's a sisterly poem for you...Not by me...But I liked it....

My sister

She is my sister, not by blood
But rather by love
When i cry she wipes away the tears
When i hide she takes away my fears

Always and forever will i love my sister
Faithful and loyal she does remain
Protecting me from a world of despise
Listening to everyone of my cries

With arms wide open she nurtures me
and keeps away all that is wrong
She keeps me on track, never letting me stray
To my suggestions she will never say 'nay'

Thank you my sister for all that you have done
For without you all would be wrong
I love you my sister, with all my heart I do
The love for my sister is all true.

When a heart goes 'Snap Crackle Pop'

I've always believed the visually visible pain a person can feel is far worse than one that you can't see. Heartbreak, the one emotion that helps instigate a million other emotions. Including both good and bad ones. It's amazing how at the time of the relationship one can feel so amazing and at the top of their game but the minute that bubble bursts and the relationship is over everything you did or said becomes meaningless. It all seems childish and ridiculous even!
The very fact that you thought you shared your inner most thoughts and feelings with that person which becomes all for nothing the minute they're out of your life!

The never ending pain just doesn't go away no matter what. Of course wise people say the best healer is time itself but with time patience is needed. The pain and pieces of a broken heart can't be mended in a matter of days or sometimes even months. People have different ways to deal with it but at the end deep down we all feel like losers at some stage. Hours, days even weeks can go by lost in thoughts of the past with no control over neither emotions nor thoughts!

How do you deal with a heartbreak?

Is ignoring the feeling or that person an answer? Or is throwing yourself at the mercy of keeping yourself occupied without allowing a single second to pass where you have to think about that person.

The walls we build, the egos we try to save, the barriers we put, the shields we use to protect ourselves are of no use. Love and pain go hand in hand. Unfortunately, pain is an unavoidable part of life which we need to face time and time again!

Old wine in a new bottle.

Lately I have been going on this reading spree with the ample time that I have while resting at home. It's amazing how all this reading has really helped improved my reading speed which was pretty impressive to begin with! I've finished 7 books within this month itself...And it's only the 18th today!

I was lucky and smart enough to 'invest' in books in advance. I spent a bomb on just book shopping sprees.

I decided I'll buy books by Indian authors for three reasons. They're cheaper than the International ones (sometimes I do look for quantity rather than quality), they're good timepass (read light reading) and lastly coz I feel like I'm helping out folks who had the courage to follow their passion and dreams. At least they put themselves out there and did what they liked.

Of course this new obsession of mine has it's downsides. Like, all of them have THE SAME STORY LINE!!! Seriously folks, we know about Engineering college life thanks to Chetan Bhagat. Yes, he beat you all to it! Not once but bloody three or four times!! All of them that I've read, 'Just like the movies, Of course I love you....till I meet somebody else, All the small things (or something like that)' and God only can remember the rest coz I've chucked them deeeeeeeeeeep into the depths of my bookshelf. I can only read these books once and not again because not only have I predicted what will happen within the first 5 mins of reading it (MUST start skimming through these books beforehand at the store itself...but then defeats the purpose of helping them make a career out of writing! Damn it! Confused!!) there's also nothing interesting in their style of writing that sets one book apart from the rest. Although I must say 'Of course I love you' made me chuckle more than the other books...But the book did nothing to me to write raves about!

I wish one of these fresh out of college students wrote about something APART from how their characters were kaamchors when it came to studying, cheated, lied, were obsessed with sex, flirted, dumped girls, hang out spots, had loser/druggie friends, found a girlfriend who they had to fight a la filmy style to be with and lastly they had no aim in life only to have had things workout for them in the end.

Let's just hope their second books are something other than this done to death plot!!!

Second Chances

Second chances

I was listening to this song Second Chances by Shinedown (awesome band!!) and it got me thinking about how many people are given a second chance in life? A chance to make things right. A chance to make up for all that could and probably should have been done right the first time around. A chance to relive those moments and experience all those wonderful things again. A chance to experience potential bliss!

I firm believer in when you least expect it things happen for the best I am amongst the fortunate to get that chance. Not once but twice for two non connected and different things. Both being equally important!

I don’t know how I will do with this second chance given by God. But I know that I will never take this chance for granted. Although scared for doing what I am famous for, screwing it up, I also look forward to seeing if this second chance will help make things right this time around for me. Let’s hope and pray for the best. :)

A chance to hear the song I was talking about!


Taking note of The Notebook!

It's no secret that I love the movie 'The Notebook'. Recently I was asked why do I love it so much...At the time I came up with really good answers and wish I had actually written it down...Because I rarely speak so well about something...I somehow did for this movie and although I can't remember what I had said earlier I have a whole new set of reasons for why I love the movie. It's only natural that I would write about the greatest romantic movie ever!!...At least according to me! :)

  • I love that a summer romance can be more than something casual...It can be something serious
  • I love that Noah and Alley's love allows the other to explore and find out about themselves rather than force the other to become what the other wants
  • Their relationship is a union of choice and not force
  • I love it because it showcases the innocence of love
  • I love that even the most simplest and day to day routines can be enjoyed and loved if done with the right person
  • I love that Noah can love Alley without going over the top, mushy and being all sissy about it
  • It shows that two people who are meant to be together will find a way to be together
  • It shows that despite faults you can still love someone unconditionally
  • Noah's love for Alley is amazing because it helps make him a better man in so many ways
  • I love that he loves her almost to the point of insanity
  • The movie shows that life does give you second chances. Better make the most of what you'll get
  • It also shows never to take the other for granted otherwise once the person's gone, a part of you is gone with them
  • That you've got to have faith no matter how difficult and unfair the situation you're in may be
  • I love that it shows you can always be romantic no matter what your age
  • I also love that it showed; when you truly love someone you can let them go and they really do come back to you
  • That it is possible to love more than one but the 'one', the so called soulmate, will be different from others
  • It's possible to live without the person but yet not possible to live without that person. I.E. they moved on with their lives yet couldn't let go
  • That you can let your guard down around the person you love and be yourself
  • That even though you know that person has hurt you and will continue hurting you (as all humans do) you will still love them.
Although I know that such kind of love is only for the movies...Yes, the pessimist in me will not be quietened down!...It's still lovely to see such a well made movie...Read the book recently and I still say the movie's better...Though the book's more practical...Explains a lot of questions I had while I watched the movie...Be that as it may, nothing can capture the chemistry of people in love like that in this movie.

P.S. It's been 3 years now and The Notebook still remains in the top 5 of my all time favorite movies list. :)

God's own Country

I finally found the pics I took when I went to Kerala with Tiku. One of the best trips I've been on...Must do this more often! :)

On the way to Kerala
This is what travelling Saba looks like! A complete behenji :p
Our entertainment for the journey.
View from the Train of Northern Kerala.
Tiku's house! :)
The talented and gifted Kishore. Our first meeting after some 4-5 years. :)

:DDDDD When two of my best friends meet!
My gift for Kishi...Amazing how we both gifted each other something to do with time! :)
Kishore's gift to me!...A spankin' new Fastrack watch which he surprised me with...Sneaky!! :)
Outside a temple...Man, considering both of us are non Hindu's we had to sneak in and pretend that we were NRI's who came to the temple for worship...though my expressions and lost behavior was a dead give away! :)

The zoooooooo:

The cool bear who responds to our beck and call!

Don't even get me started on this pic...I can't believe this was there smack in the middle of the road for all to see. The perverts prob have a field day looking at this...Really embarrassing!...Families and kids walking around looking at this nude woman...
Hehehehehe...The last one cracks me up!
Pervert!!...Damn frustrated sculptor!
Yup...Panicker's travel...I still chuckle over that!
A taste of 'Sharjah Shake' :p
Another gift from Kishi to me! :)
I loved this sea world place that we randomly discovered.
Yes folks...U saw right...that's a 'toy' vacuum for a child...Except IT'S NOT A TOY!!...

No One Killed Jessica!

I saw the movie No one Killed Jessica today. Like any self respecting human being the well made movie evoked various emotions in me such as anger, frustration and deep sadness. I did wish though that the ending was a little more dramatic like perhaps a court scene which showed Manu Sharma hearing the news of not getting away with the crime. The reaction and consequences of those who became hostile witnesses, etc. Nevertheless I loved the movie for showing such brilliant subdued acting and not getting carried away with commercializing the sensitive matter.

It did sadden me though to think about the other unresolved cases in India and worldwide. I mean, justice takes almost a lifetime! It's hard enough dealing with the loss of that member and then waiting and dragging the procedure of attaining justice for decades seems not just unfair but outright cruel!

How is one supposed to move on when there's a constant reminder of such a horrid crime committed? Once again I am sickened by the sort of society we live in where without a public furror nothing in India seems to work on in the favour of the common man.

We are fortunate though that we have such passionate people out there who would go to any extent along with the media to see that justice is served. I just pray and hope that we can bring about a change at least for the next generation to live in a safer India!

The details of the Jessica Lal case are on:


Cases of more rich bigwigs/influencial people trying to get away with murder are:

V Day Blues?

Valentine's day is next month and most of my friends are fretting about what to do that day...I personally don't believe in celebrating that day but I did think of a poem which I dedicate to all the single ladies like me! :)

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
For it is just a day like any other.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Because you have no lover.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Don't you dare be sad.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Your life isn't that bad.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
You have ones that love you so.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
They will never ever let you go.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Be happy with what you've got.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Don't give sadness another thought.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Because you have no love.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Rather look to the heavens above.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Your destiny has been set.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
Love and happiness you will someday get.

Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
I know you are unsatisfied.
Don't feel low on Valentines Day,
You some day will be a beautiful bride.

Just like the movies.

I didn't watch as many movies as I should I have or for that matter wanted to...Don't get me wrong...My 1TB external hardisk is overflowing with movies...I download like there's no tomorrow...But I just couldn't be bothered to sit and watch movies like I did the year before.

I can proudly say I managed to break free from my Internet-Facebook addiciton...It was becoming really scary!...I would have a serious conversation with someone while chatting with friends on FB.

Anyway, I did manage to watch a few movies and liked the below for 2010:

1. Grown Ups---After a very long time got to see a clean fun comedy which one can watch with the family.
2. Ninja Assasin---My memory's horrible so I can't say that this movie released in 2010 but I know I saw it then!...So it still counts in this list...The action and martial arts in this movie had me frothing at the mouth!...It wasn't over the top amazing but heck Rain made me drool over his mysterious Ninja ways.
3. Inception---Too much hype killed the movie for me. It didn't meet my expectations but I can't deny it was a good movie...It's not like you come across thought provoking movies like this every year! :)
4. Daybreakers---FINALLY a vampire movie without the nonsense of romance!...I dunno why but I really liked the movie. I guess it was to do with how they showed the whole angle of being a vampire in a different way.
5. Once Upon a time in Mumbai---I generally hate ANYTHING to do with Emraan Hashmi and for that matter don movies...I mean they've been done to death! But I did like this movie. Ajay's acting and character in the movie as well as Hashmi's rise to the top in the underworld was shown in a very sensitive way. I mean the way it was presented was not about violence but the human angle of it all.
6. Date Night---Steve Carell! I will watch anything and everything he comes out with. It did have me chuckling in many a scenes. Especially the ones with Mark Wahlberg.
7. Macgruber---This one had me cracking up at it's pathetic humor and ridiculous storyline. I appreciated the corny and lame comedy because it really does have scenes which I never thought I would ever see in movies!
8. Wake Up Sid---Again...was this 2010?...I'm too lazy to Google the damn thing...But I did like this movie a lot...Ranbir and Konakana's acting was awesome...Shot beautifully with a very realistic touch to the story.
9. Rajneeti---The movie was watchable but the bloody pure hindi dialogues were a real pain!...The movie was good with my Arjun Rampal looking SO DAMN HOT!!!! Drool...droooooooooooollllllll....maaaaaaaaaaaaaajor drooooool!...Ok...enough!...The first time I saw the movie I was giving cow eyes to Arjun and just waiting for him to come back on the big screen...the second time I saw it I was looking beyond my extreme and loyal love for my Arjun and paid attention to the movie...Was a good watch.
10. Dabangg---The surprise package!...I didn't particularly enjoy the movie but I did appreciate Salman's attempt at acting...If you can even call it that...I figured he just forgot how to act after all these years of shuffling between dead pan-constipated expressions.

I know there were a lot better movies than these...But as I said...I developed a life this year and stopped being a couch potato...My movie marathon mania finally came to an end! :)

The Next Chapter


2010 brought about the biggest changes in my life...I simply loved it!...Despite all the drama, stress and tension I really came through as a much stronger and better person. The highs and lows of nostalgia engulfed me when I reflected on this year...

The year started off with me surprising all by becoming an Assistant Manager for a company I had always hoped I would get a second chance to work with. I had left in a hurry for personal reasons and always felt regret for not knowing how far I would get. I have now realized if it wasn't for the people in this company(my friends know who they are!) it wouldn't be an experience worthy of fighting so hard for.

The things I learned in 2010:

I learned to be a lot more patient.
I learned to not let things affect me that I have no control over.
I learned to be more forgiving.
I learned that my confidence and self esteem are back...Maybe they never left...But may have faded with time.
I learned that the separation of a loved one doesn't mean that they don't love you anymore.
I learned life gives you second chances and you should grab it with both hands.
I learned to get along with people who I didn't.
I learned that I am not as chicken shit as I thought I was. My trip to Bhubhaneshwar was my 'out there' feat.
I learned that although I may not meet my best friend or talk to him for 4 years I can pick up from where we left off.
I learned to have fun.
I learned to be a better friend and person.
I learned to start fighting for whats's right.
I learned to trust.
I learned that if you love, care and trust someone enough you can overlook/ignore even the biggest things.
I learned to give good advice and be the pillar of support I would want my friends to be.
I learned to be a pirate! :p Yes, my pirating business is at it's prime...Movies...songs...sitcoms...books...videos...you name it I download it!
I learned to move on in life.
I learned that looking back in your past doesn't have to be painful.
I learned that I made some amazing new friends who I hope will be with me for life.
I learned that I can let go off my fears.
I learned that I can do anything for those who I love.
I learned I'm not THAT bad of a dancer (Misbah's Manjay! :p)
I learned a lot professionally too. Learned how to use excel, create attractive splashes, etc.
I also learned that no matter how badly you slog it out if you don't work smart that work means nothing!
I learned to emotionally detach myself from a situation and assess situations coming up with what I feel would be the right sort of decision.
I learned to basically enjoy my year even through the down phases I learned to never lose faith.
I learned religion is more embibbed in me than I thought.
I learned my personality has done a 360 from the year before.
I learned that sometimes you may come across some people who you thought were important but time and God reveals their purpose in your life all at the right time.
I learned that true love does exist (Misb and Shaan!).
I learned Baj (the woman of many talents) has one more talent that we didn't know off. She's amazing academically!
I learned that perceptions can be changed if you're patient enough.
But most importantly I learned to love another with all my heart despite getting burned in the process. I don't care anymore about the hurt because the experience showed me a part of me existed which I wasn't even aware of. I will use this knowledge in the future and try to make it a prosperous one!

Looking forward to 2011...May you bring in more changes and a lot more happiness than 2010! :)