There once was a pretty little girl from a time before thee,
She dreamed of a Knight in shining armor, oh how he would be!
Tall, dark and handsome,
With perfect teeth
and not too large feet.
He'll have strong hands,
Oh, what a man!
Hair so straight and silky,
With a complexion so healthy and milky.
The smile of an Angel to make hearts melt,
Lips so tender and soft they'd feel like felt.
Then one day as she walked the streets aimlessly.
Lo and behold, who does she see?
Her Knight in shining armor!
Could it really be?
Feeling as if she dreamed him to life truly,
She ran to him and hugged him ever so tightly.
"Oh my handsome Knight
For you I have waited my entire life.
Take me in your arms forever.
Make me the happiest woman alive,
make me your wife!"
The Knight looked at her and said softly:
"Marry you I can't my fair lady.
Fate played a joke so cruelly.
Married I already am so happily.
My wife just delivered our first baby!
But seeing your beauty so untouched and pure,
I must have you that's for sure.
Believe me o fair lady, I promise, you I will truly adore."
Disgusted the fair maiden released his tight grip and ran free.
"Why oh why God did this happen to me?
My Knight who I love differs in reality."
Hearing her cry with a heart so heavy,
Came the town's hideous hunchback to stroke her head affectionately.
He said, "Be my wife o lady.
I'll treat you kindly."
Repulsed; his appearance was all she could see.
His care and affection could not feel she.
Dejected he turned to her kind sister who accepted his proposal with glee.
He loved her so much he worshiped her totally.
Seeing their love and compatibility,
Missing out on a chance to live happily,
She cried once more and asked God to hear her plea.
A young Lord passing by heard her and decided to make her family.
Vowed he did to be together till eternity.
Years pass and she turns twenty.
Her beauty blossoms till she becomes the object of all the townsmen fantasies.
The angry Lord imprisons his beautiful lady.
Stating her beauty's for only him and not for all to see.
Seeing her grow more and more beautiful he's overcome with jealousy.
He starts abusing his wife trying to mar her appearance by kicking her with his knee.
She cries as she says it's no fault of hers since her curse lies in her beauty.
The beatings continue and he eventually treats her indifferently.
Weeping she prays to God to set her free.
Battered and bruised she lays alone in a tower to which only the Lord has the key.
She cries as there's no one to love her, no one's company.
She eventually gives up all unsuccessful attempts to flee.
Night after night she prays to soon stop breathing completely...