Not me

For Paltrow!

He thinks so low of me,
the Devil reincarnate,
out to reign destruction on all I meet,
spread about his hate.

I'm an empty vessel,
that's lost without it's soul,
whatever heart I had,
has disappeared long ago.

I've lost all humanity,
led to the darkness,
destroying everything that gets in my way
leaving no live witnesses.

He believes he sees the real me,
who I truly am deep inside,
too set on believing the illusion,
he can't change his mind.

I'm tired of trying to prove my worthiness to him,
totally fed up,
I thought I could ignore his opinions of me,
but I've truly had enough!

He's tearing me apart,
his words cutting like a knife,
out to prove my evilness,
out to ruin my life!

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