The Love Effect

Isn’t it funny how when you’re in love,

You get through the darkest times smiling

And you feel blessed from the Lord above?

The feelings love evoke is like no other,

You can’t ignore it, it’s too strong

And you realize there’s so much to discover

Nothing anyone does or says hurts you anymore,

You are protected by someone specials love

You share a special bond, an easy rapport.

Where was he all these years you ask?

You took for granted what you had,

Realizing he’s yours to claim was a task.

When you find your love, keep him happy,

It’s difficult but it can be done.

Otherwise you lose all and make life crappy.

That special person is a blessing in disguise.

You are showered with all their love

All the hate pent up inside suddenly dies.

Love has a way to mend a broken heart,

You need to give it away cautiously

Otherwise someone will pierce it with a dart.

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