A friend indeed!

When friends go missing from your life,

You stand by and watch helpless

They just walk out and don’t think twice.

They end up breaking your heart.

It hurts so badly, it cuts like a knife,

They become selfish & careless.

They’re downright rude & not nice.

Warning! Don’t befriended them from the start.

They refuse to talk and resolve the strife,

They ignore, bad mouth and become shameless.

All this because you refused to be their wife.

They think they’re too good for you & over smart!

They suck your blood worse than lice,

The pain is so sharp it leaves you breathless.

That’s the cost of ‘friendship’, now pay the price.

They wait and pierce your heart with a dart.

They have nothing to offer you except vice,

The torment you feel makes you wonder if it’s endless.

They split your insides then gnaw at ‘em like mice.

Then dispose off you like rotten vegetables from a cart.

They have hearts of stone & souls of ice.

They take your heart & behave reckless,

Saying sorry is what they feel will suffice.

They destroy your trust, that’s the worst part.

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