The movie itself didn't really hold any new feats because we've all seen the original Karate Kid and we know how the story goes...Gotta hand it to Jayden for looking cute and getting his Kung Fu moves right(at least it looked that way to me!)...It's amazing how these guys can learn such things so quickly...I mean...Doesn't it take people years to get to a fighting stage??...The cobra scene in the movie had me just roll my eyes and say "just ignore the damn thing!"....
Actually...It does make me wonder though, how many times will Hollywood churn out the 'underdog' story?...It's almost in every movie with some minor changes....Now I'm not saying the movies that have this theme aren't great...Of course they are!!...But you know what's going to happen!...And...Well...You kinda wish there was something new to offer instead of the cliches....
Miracle...Rudy....Billy Elliot...Rocky...Remember the Titans....Lord of the Rings....Braveheart...The Last Samurai...Little Giants...Revenge of the Nerds...The Shawshank Redemption...Milk....Happy Gilmore... Gladiator....Cinderella Man....The Karate Kid...
There are SO many more movies which I can't seem to remember now...
Sex and the City 2

I'm still trying to understand what the point of this movie was...Was it just to display the hideous fashion?...I mean the stuff in there was literally garish and repulsive!..I'm not a fashionista but clearly something is wrong if you go 'camel riding' in flowing gowns with a trail and a turban on your head!.....or was the point of the movie to show the whole female empowerment thing??...Cause there wasn't any of that!!....Well...Maybe one scene of Miranda standing up to her boss...But other than that...Nothing!
It's disturbing to see 'successful, confident and fashionable' women pretend they're 20 something year olds!...No one was acting their age!!!...Of course...It's understood when you meet up with your best girl friends there is an excited maybe even childish side of you that comes out...But trust me...That didn't happen in this movie!!...
There were so many images and scenes that either scarred my eyes or made my blood boil...Liza Minelli's singing and scantily clad dancing routine....the hideous outfits and the importance given to them...Carrie looking like an ungracefully aging transvestite!...the complete mockery of marriage and relationships (“make your own rules in your own relationship”)....A horny alleged 50 something year old Samantha's love making scenes....the unnecessary extravagance (I get that it's all about the bling but I'm pretty damn sure NO place looks like that unless it's from the sets of Lawrence of Arabia!)....the fact that non existent issues were shown and focused on and not even resolved...seems all you need to do is just turn your back on your problems and walk away for sometime so they magically disappear!...the complete lack of ignorance for these oh-so-glamorous women (getting a full time nanny...flying coach!...The horror!! The pain!!!)...Samantha's crude scenes about sex...The jabs and open opposition towards a culture not understood by any of the halfwits in the movie and of course...the lack of respect for your surroundings!....
In short...The movie was a nightmare!
Khatta Meetha

I don't know WHAT possessed me to watch this movie...But I did...I actually forced myself to sit through the entire movie....True, it took me almost 5 hrs to watch it because I kept taking a break in between...But I have this horrible habit that if I start something I HAVE to finish it...
I wish I could say some part of the movie was nice...But the truth is it sucked pretty bad!...There were A LOT of unanswered questions in the movie for me....
1) Why did Priyadarshan torture us for almost 1 1/2 hrs to drive the same point that Akshay Kumar's a no good loser who is a fraud and brings disgrace to his family? He could have established this point in 15 mins rather than test our patience and tolerance levels!
2) Akshay's aim in life was to get a road roller and again, another 1 1/2 hrs of the movie was spent with him trying to get it to solve his financial problems...He finally does get it and Johnny Lever wrecks it...Now the mystery is what happened to the damn road roller?! Because we don't see it in the second half of the movie...You actually ask yourself was it worth Priyadarshan putting us through this torture in the first place?? If the frickin' thing was to be chucked aside THEN WHY WASTE SO MUCH REEL AND OUR TIME FOCUSING ON IT??!
3) What the hell was the whole point of showing the love angle for Trisha and Akshay because it just suddenly comes into focus in the last 15 mins of the movie?!?...Her collated screen time must have been some 20 minutes minus a few songs....
4) Akshay frames Trisha for taking a bribe as she's a Government Commisioner and she tries to commit suicide...Of course...There's no way she'd die!...So she's hospitalized...And Akshay comes to her saying he's a cheat and a fraud to everyone but deep down inside he's still the same 'sacha aur imandar desh bhagth' she had fallen in love with back in college!...Are we expected to believe this crap?? Akshay's shunned and treated like the black sheep of the family because he keeps cheating everyone in the entire village and we're supposed to forget all that and start thinking of him as the 'good guy' all of a sudden???
5) Does Priyadarshan actually expect us to believe that Trisha waited around for a chance encounter with Akshay for almost 10 years?? She claims that the reason she didn't get married was because she was hoping to bump into him one day!...What was to have happened if he was married?...Or had relocated from their hometown to another state?...Or maybe even dead??!
6) Why didn't anyone question why Akshay's sister was beaten black and blue before she died?? Even a blind man could have seen that!
7) What was the whole deal with Akshay's sister being gang raped?? There was literally no point to that...And the worst thing is that everyone's able to move on so easily as if nothing happened!
8) Priyadarshan didn't even bother to waste time or money to make Akshay look younger back in the college days....But hey...If Aamir can do it then I suppose so can Akshay...My only question is...Is there no one on the sets to notice or realize that the exact same current trends and fashion are shown being followed some 10 years ago? I know it's not the first movie to make this mistake but seriously folks!...These little things count!
9) Haven't we seen Akshay in the same kinda roles for the past 15 years?...It was a refreshing change and gave his career a face lift back in the Hera Pheri days...But I honestly feel he's much better of an Actor than this....He was either saying his dialogues in a monotone or screaming and yelling like a banshee! Him making constipated expressions all the time didn't help either...
10) My final question...Why the bloody hell was the movie named Khatta Meetha?? Maybe I missed this part in the movie because I had a glazed look over my eyes while doing a Homer Simpson kinda daydreaming but I tried to understand it later and I just couldn't!
So...My recommendation is to NOT watch this movie at all...No matter what...Do yourselves a favour and watch paint dry instead!
On Wednesday I saw something that amused me at my shuttle point. I was waiting for the bus to commute to work in, holding my opened umbrella trying my best to protect myself from the evil sun. I happen to look at the opposite side of the road and I saw an 'Aunty' AKA woman in her 40's-50's. She was wearing a Punjabi style shalwar kameez and sneakers. She had on stylish shades and a jazzy purse snug under her arm and was walking really fast.
So far everything's normal about what I just describe. The amusing part though was this obese Aunty was holding this tiny umbrella to protect herself from the sun. Not only did the umbrella look like it was snatched away from a tiny doll, it was broken too! The only thing that umbrella was protecting were her fingers!!
I only wish I had my camera with me so I could have taken a picture of her. Just to give you all a taste of how funny it seemed to me:

Rage against the Freaks!
It's disgusting that there are people out there who get their kicks out of hurting other people!...Just because you take the high road why does the other person think it gives them ALL rights to walk all over you??...I believe in karma...and I pray that God gives such people what they truly deserve!...
Sometimes I curse, sometimes I get REALLY angry, sometimes I just bluntly wish for them to die so the bullshit comes to an end!...I 99% of the time ignore such situations in life and try not to think about it because that's what the other person wants you to do!...Think about them...Even if it's for all the wrong things...
But what if despite using all methods and ignoring for years the person doesn't give up??...They waltz into your life time and time again thinking they have every right to do damage, hurt you and watch the show!...They just don't give up!...The heights!!...The determination and persistence some morons show!...
It shouldn't have to be like this...No one should have to put up with more than they should...Especially not at the cost of people who aren't even worth it!...I wish for once I get to sit back and watch the show while such freaks get hurt!...It's bout time it happens...I've waited too long for it and suffered enough!!...To all those who hurt people for no good reason other than their selfish needs and desires...I hope they go to Hell and burn there for eternity!!