Shubh - Ashubh!

I've given this a lot of thought; I guess it's mainly because both my Mom and her elder sister are pretty superstitious. I was thinking about all the ridiculous things they say to my siblings and I and realized we're not the only ones who 'believe' in these...Personally I couldn't care less, but just thought I'd share my findings with you all. I used to wonder why these things were said especially since there was never any connection between why I was doing something and why I was told not to do it. I suppose our ancient Ancestors just wanted to find reasons for people not to get into trouble or just wanted to set up rules for no good reason!

Either ways, there are a few common shared beliefs and some are entirely from the East while some are entirely from the West.

Some common Indian beliefs:

  1. Eye twitching - Depending on which eye twitches it's supposed to bring good or bad luck.
  2. Palm itching - Again, depending on which palm is itching, right or left, it should indicate that one will either lose money or gain money.
  3. Curd - Eating curd, usually a spoonful is supposed to bring you good news and luck before something big that you're aiming for in life.
  4. Turned over chappals - It is my Mother's staunch belief if a sandal is flipped over upside down that it creates fights and quarrels in the house.
  5. Playing with scissors - It's pretty much the same philosophy here, by playing with scissors it creates fights and quarrels in the house!
  6. Dog howling - Yes, another favourite for my Mom. She believes it's bad luck when a dog howls. And according to her, the direction in which the dog howls is very important as if it faces towards someone's house and howls then there'll be a death in their family.
  7. Cat crossing your path - Gone are the days when poor black cats were targeted for being the bearers of bad luck. Nowadays it seems ALL cats are bad luck bringers! If by chance a cat crosses our path, my Mom stops the car (even if it's smack in the middle of the road) and reverses the car and then continues on the path she was going.
  8. If you bite your tongue/your inner cheeks by mistake - It's said that someone's cursing you or swearing at you.
  9. Cutting your hair on Tuesdays - This one is a common one followed by my Aunt. She believes it's unlucky to cut hair on this day as it brings bad luck.
  10. Nails not to be cut after sunset - Yep, it apparently brings bad luck.
  11. Crows cawing in front of your house/rooftop - The most common Indian belief as it's supposed to be an indication that guests/visitors will arrive at your house.
  12. Dreaming between 4am-6am - Another common one, It is believed that if someone dreams something between this time frame, be it good or bad, it comes true.
  13. Cricket - People wear their lucky hat/find a lucky spot in their houses/call a 'lucky' person when an important match is being played. I suppose folks in the West believe this to an extent as they have their lucky mitts, jerseys and caps too. But the belief is wearing these helps their Team win the game.
  14. Trees at night have spirits in them - So, they say you shouldn't walk near a tree at night otherwise you might get possessed.
  15. Spitting on fallen/loose hair strands three times prevents more hair from falling - Apparently you should curl up loose/fallen hair, spit on them three times and then throw them so they can't come in contact with feet.
  16. Spider landing on you indicates you'll buy new clothes - Creepy, but believed to be true.
  17. Looking at pleasant baby pictures during pregnancy helps the mother give birth to a good looking kid. Yes, genes and science play no part in this!

Some common beliefs of the East and West:

  1. Black cats bring bad luck.
  2. Breaking a mirror/glass brings bad luck (some say 7 years, some say 11).
  3. Opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck.
  4. Making a wish upon seeing a falling star.
  5. Making a wish when one's eyelash falls.
  6. Hiccups are supposed to be reminders for you that someone's missing you or thinking about you.
  7. Knocking on wood when trying to cast the evil eye away or warding off envious people.
  8. Sleeping facing the south direction is apparently good.

Some common English beliefs:

  1. Keeping fingers crossed - Hoping for something to go well.
  2. Four leaf clover - is rare and supposed to bring you good luck (NEVER worked for me!)
  3. Horseshoe/peacock feather/acorn - again supposed to bring you good luck.
  4. Friday the 13th - Allegedly an unlucky day...any association with the number 13 is apparently supposed to bring bad luck.
  5. Last but not the least, walking under a ladder - Which again is supposed to bring you bad luck.

I guess for some people following suspersitious stuff is a way of life. I say to each his own.

Do feel free to add some of the common ones you've come across!