2010 Goals!

I’ve decided to use this year as the year where I’ll achieve all that I set my mind to. I’m not a very strong willed person to being with, yet I’m very stubborn when I finally decide on something. So, unlike the other years, I didn’t set any New Year’s resolution this year. I guess it’s partially because I’ve grown out of it, and also because I never follow the resolutions that I set. It’s not that I set unrealistic resolutions; it’s just that I forget about them midway in the year and focus on what’s happening in my life.

I did however decide that I’ll achieve the following things this year:

1. Lose weight-My goal is 10 kgs. I had put it on because of my horrible habit for binging on junk food, my lack of sleep and the weird hours I work.

2. Connect with my family again-this again was lost due to the hectic fast paced BPO lifestyle I chose with the absurd shift timings.

3. STOP spending so much! I’m a shopaholic!

4. Learn to play the violin-Sriram, I owe it to you to learn how to play it. You gifted me the violin almost a year ago, the least I can do is learn to play it!

5. Finish off all the pending work I have. Pick up certificates, pay fees etc. That’s another thing I’ve been procrastinating for a while now!

6 Focus on what I want to do with my life-I’m in limbo right now between what careers I want to chose, training, teaching, content writing, awaiting another option to consider.

7. Learn to drive a car and ride a bike.

8. Stop being so damn lazy!

9. Continue with project ‘Email’ for all 365.

10. Try to learn something new.

11. Keep in touch with my friends. Make it a point to meet up with them whenever possible.

12. Cook more often(ok, so this is more for the sake of wishing and less of wanting. I’ll be honest with myself, I doubt this will happen.)

13. Finish anything that I started.

14. Be more religious.

15. Learn Telugu.

16. Not get annoyed so quickly.

17. STUDY! I spend more time on the net, watching movies and reading books!

18. Contribute more towards society, be it by helping underprivileged kids, charity or towards the environment. I try anyway, but I know I can do so much more.

19. Take better care of my health and the way I look. I’m aging pretty badly!

20. Reduce my intake of spicy food. I’m sure at the rate I eat spices I’ll end up getting an ulcer!

So, that’s it for now. I'll add more when I feel the need. Some of these things seem unrealistic, but I know I can achieve them. I've just got to set my mind to it. Now that I’ve made a list and posted it on a place where I’ll be able to see it frequently, I’m sure I’ll be able to achieve these….or at least...I think I'm sure....Wish me luck!!


  1. Congratulations Ms. Bashir, on publishing ur thoughts.. Am glad that U have already started implementing wht ur heart says..!! Good Job.. KUDOS!! U said U will not have any resolutions yet u came up with 20 of them... But I am sure U will achieve them..!! I am here to remind U often & help U in getting these things done.. If not all of them.. am confident that I can influence U about most of them..!!

  2. Thanks the Praaji...These aren't resolutions..They're goals...They're better than resolutions. :)

  3. All the best with ur project "email"...
    and u avoid spicy good! HA! highly unlikely!
    Call me when u go for violin lessons... i need to go too..

  4. Hehehehe thanks...I'm loving it...One of the best ideas I've come up with so far...

    The spicy food seriously has decreased...I honestly don't want an ulcer in my old age...I'll have enough problems by then...

    Sure...Let's settle down in decent jobs and get set in a routine then think about the violin lessons...the distance will be a prob for us though...u at that end of the world and me in this end...so u still wanna go with me?

  5. Gud luck!!! how many achvd so far?
