It breaks my heart to think we humans; the “civilized” race can do such extremely uncivilized things to defenseless animals. Sadly more and more animals are the victims of either being experimented on, used for clothing or entertainment. Some are even raped, poked and abused by people. Animalcruelty.com states 5 billion U.S. dollars is spent every year on animal experiments and 70 million animals are tested and tortured in America alone.
Peaceful animals such as elephants, bulls and cocks are being forced to suffer and when they act in defense they’re killed. It’s no secret that bullfights have people throwing spears into the bulls’ backs which kills them slowly and painfully. For the sake of entertainment Greyhounds and Horses are constantly being injected with hormones, starved and eventually killed or sent for experimentation when they can run no more.
Innocent rabbits are being blinded in the name of research in the ‘Draize’ test. Over 10 billion animals are slaughtered every year for consumption purposes. Fish are being consumed at such a rapid rate that we’re endangering the survival of other animals that are dependent on them.
Cattle and chickens are kept in tiny cages/spaces, injected with hormones and dehydrated. They eventually die of stress or diseases. Hens, probably the most abused of the animals in today’s world are treated like just meat. Some are boiled alive, beheaded ruthlessly, plucked when they’re half alive, in India carried by their legs tied together while they’re alive on bikes for a good couple of miles only to be butchered.
We’ve already made most of the beautiful species like tigers, elephants, rhinos almost extinct, but this obsession with fur doesn’t end! There are fur farms which kill millions of animals each year just for their fur which is used for furniture or fashion.
The worst act humans do is unnecessary hunting. The one where they go for a ‘fun and adventurous trip’ only to kill an innocent animal and stuff their heads, replace their eyes with glass and hang them up on a wall to display their bravery and courage.
I saw this email once which had people in some European country killing hundreds of whales (or was it dolphins?) for the sake of tradition. The tradition was that once a boy matures, to mark his entry into manhood he should kill the mammal and then throw them back into the sea. The seashore was overflowing with blood and disgusted me so much that I couldn’t even see it till the end.
Even domestic animals aren’t spared. When I was in Canada I went to a few of the homeless shelters and cried when I saw the kind of cruel things people had done to some of the animals. Some poor creatures were burnt, some tortured, some starved, some intentionally blinded. Perhaps a few of these were accidents but it sickens me to think that some of these were done on purpose.
It’s sad to attract attention towards ethical treatment of animals PETA has to resort to half naked humans. Sure, they’re creative but the only reason people take notice is because sex sells. I’m not saying PETA isn’t doing a commendable job. But I believe their messages need to be stronger and show the inhumanity caused to some of the animals worldwide.
The people who see these ads couldn’t care less about the message the representative is trying to get across! I’ve heard people say “xyz person looked SO HOT in that PETA ad!” When I asked them which one they couldn’t for the life of them recall what the ad was about. All they remembered was the nude celebrity!
Circuses and zoos are no better. The stories of animal cruelty in these places have been going on for more than a century. Dirty cages, minimal food, abuse and captivity is no way for these creatures to spend their lives.
With the way things are going I doubt we’ll have any animals left in the world in another hundred years. We’ve already taken their homes away from them by ruining forests and seperating them from their families, the least we can do is let these voiceless animals live with some dignity and peace.
I am glad that at least a few people feel strongly about this. But in a world where man turns against man, are u really surprised that they do this to animals??? I am not saying that it is right. I am just saying that man kind (at least majority of it) has become completely insensitive and uncivilized!
ReplyDeleteAnd ur right, its whales that they kill in the name of tradition! I saw the entire mail, it was appalling!
Well, man turning against man there's still something that can be done about it...as in humans have the intelligence to sit down and try to sort out a problem...True...no one does it!...But what have poor animals done wrong?? Why do they have to undergo this?
ReplyDeleteu alwayz were passionate bout saving animals.i admit i hvn't done much 4 their cause. i won't become veggie like u. But i will donate towards PETA :-D