
A stalker believes it’s his God given right,
To invade the privacy of an innocent and give her a fright.
No act is overlooked, no conversation ignored.
The stalker is a weirdo who is very bored!

Watching from a distance keeping tabs on her life.
What she does who she meets as if she’s his wife.
Despite facing rejection he still continues trying his luck.
He goes unnoticed, behind objects he ducks.

He’ll keep messaging, cyber stalking and calling.
Not for one minute thinking his victim finds this all appalling.
He hopes someday she’ll feel the way he does for her.
All hell will break loose if she doesn’t concur.

He pushes his chances farther away with every act.
Making her hate him it becomes a well known fact.
He worries over every little thing related to his ‘love.’
Thinking their pair was a match made from above.

He walks around like a man possessed.
He doesn’t realize how badly he’s obsessed.
Too scared to face reality and the truth,
He forces to be a part of her world till she gives him the boot.

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