I am...

I often wondered

If I wasn’t working as me,

Then who would I be?

I had so many choices

When I was a child

My imagination knew no bounds

It would always run wild

I thought of being a surgeon

I’d get my degree from Princeton

I then found out how hard life can be

It was a tough call but I faced reality.

Nope, this wasn’t the profession for me.

Then I thought of being a lawyer

Strong, confident, powerful

No morals or values, it’s shameful.

You twist the truth,

You’re a well paid liar

Nope, this wasn’t the profession for me.

I then wanted to be a teacher

No job seemed more noble and convenient

But a closer look at the profession

Had me raise an eyebrow and question

A teacher is not appreciated for her work

She’s in fact looked upon as an alien creature

Only when the kids grow up they realize

They are who they are partly because of the teachers

Efforts, hard work and nagging cries!

Nope, this wasn’t the profession for me.

I decided a writer is what I wanted to be

Creative, independent, carefree,

I soon realized I’m not so artsy

Down the drain that dream went

Nope, this wasn’t the profession for me.

A Rep, Ops Manager, Voice coach, Trainer,

Content Writer, Assistant Manager, Freelance Editor.

My job doesn't change me or make me me,

I am who I am because this is who I want to be.

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