Recently, one of my friends was telling me about her love life via chat and how she's been very unsuccessful in love...She somehow manages to ALWAYS meet the wrong kinda guys!...During our conversation she just casually said she wishes there was a spell that could make her find the right guy...So, I let our imagination take over and we couldn't stop ourselves from dragging the topic...
We just Googled 'love spells' to see what does it really take to 'cast a spell'...Personally, I don't believe in all this...Neither are either of us witches!...But my impression for creating a 'spell' was the stereotyped frog legs...eye of newt...a human wart...repitle scales....vulture beaks...etc. I found it very amusing to see that most of the 'spells' online don't require any of these but on the contrary, require easily accessible oils, insents and other raw materials...
Despite my protests, my friend tried two spells!...Dunno if they work...but I just thought I'd share them:
The first one she tried was to get her Mr. Right!
1. Create a clear picture in your mind of your perfect partner. These vibrations can attract your imaginary man or woman into your life.
2. Make a relationship collage with pictures of things that are important to you.
3. Be specific when you visualize the environment and your future together.
4. Put it in writing. Make a list of your needs and wants in a satisfying relationship.
5. Place the list where you can see it often. The more time and energy you devote to it, the closer the reality becomes.
6. Focus on the list and verbalize it. Repeat it aloud for even greater impact. There's nothing like the power of the spoken word!
The second one she tried on some guy she found attractive at work...
Best Night: Friday
Best Moon: Full
Things you will need:
Best Moon: Full
Things you will need:
- 1 sheet of lined paper
- 1 Red pen or marker
- 1 letter envelope
- your favorite perfume
- your favorite shade of red lipstick
- a few Pink or Red flower petals
Write out the qualities you want in a lover on the sheet of paper using the pen.
Next spritz the paper with your perfume.
Fold the paper and place it in the envelope.
Now take the flower petals, hold them in your RIGHT hand. Envision yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals tight in your hand. Keep envisioning this scene.
Drop the petals into the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and seal the whole spell with a kiss. Apply the red lipstick and kiss the envelope!!
Place in a safe place. NEVER open it again, if you do this will break the spell.*NOTE: DO NOT USE CHARACTERS/QUALITIES SPECIFIC TO A CERTAIN PERSON. THE SPELL WILL NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!!
Doesn't it all look like some middle schooled girl attempting to cast a 'spell'?! I just hope my friend doesn't get into witchcraft and pull a Sabrina!...Or worse...'The Craft!'...Just thought it'd be fun to share the so called spells...If it works for anyone then do let us know...We'd love to hear bout it...Will also keep u guys posted about her 'love spells!'
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