The missing pieces

There’s a void in my heart that can’t seem to get filled

I’m stuck in the present coz I’m reliving the past,

You moved out of my life it all happened so fast.

I tried filling the emptiness as much as my heart willed.

Haunted by memories and visions of what were,

I took for granted realizing your worth only after you were gone

I only hope all of this distance will eventually make our bond strong.

I thought you’d be in my life forever of this I was sure.

I’m sorry for all the times I called u in the middle of the night.

You were always there without complaints when I needed you.

Friends like you are so hard to find and few.

I’m sorry for all those times I didn’t treat you right.

You said you loved me and I said I love another.

I tried for things between us to remain the same

I can’t believe you left me like this thinking I’m vain!

Our friendship has now ended and gone in the gutter.

I really miss you and believe me, this is true.

I hope you’ll be back and this isn’t the end.

You were my rock, one of my best friend!

I’m struggling to get through everyday without you.

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