True Blood

They say friends are the family you choose. If that's the case then I'm better off with the family I was born into. Over the years I've come to realize in a very harsh way, that nothing really can compare to family. There are of course friends who I cherish and still love and will do anything for. But once a tie breaks it's gone forever. It seems like nothing is going to mend that tie back.

I wasn't one to have many friends to begin with. I always made it a point to focus on a more developed friendship hence I used to put all my energy into having only ONE best friend at a time. In my teens I realized I didn't care anymore. I was too busy with other things so friends took a backseat. It took me a move to India to realize that friends are really important. There needs to be a balance in life and friends add that balance. It's too bad I fell into the wrong crowd and trusted all the wrong people. But after that I wised up and made some strong bonds with some amazing people which are still very much a part of my life.

I was very fortunate to have such awesome people in my life at the most crucial stages. The number of people in my trusted circle seems to go down every few years but I suppose that's how life is. Other things take a priority and all that energy is focused on something else more important. Friends get their own lives, you have to start walking your own path either with your partner or alone. Whatever the case may be, friends are simply that...Just friends...Never family. They WILL judge you...They WILL betray you...and even though family can do these things too...The blood bond I suppose gives them a lifetime free pass for forgiveness and unconditional love.

Back to the Future

When I was a little girl, I more or less had an idea of what my life would end up being like. It was of course, never always the SAME future. But I had a sort of a trailer running in my head of my life and a future plan. Now that I'm an 'adult' (never by choice!) I don't see those thoughts as childish or immature. I see them as thoughts of a dreamer. Which, anyone who knows me, will know is hard to imagine considering I'm too practical for my own good.

I remember Robert Frost's 'The Road not Taken' (yes, yes it doesn't literally mean the road not taken) from grade 10 and constantly ask myself to go down the road I had not taken. I don't regret my choices or my decisions. But I do end up thinking about what kind of life would I have been leading if not this one. I'm sure everyone does the 'what if' in their lives. I seem to be reflecting more and more on it as I grow older. I know without the path I travelled on, I would not be the person I am today. I will NEVER give that person up. I fought hard to become who I am.

I fought with myself to accept my mistakes and my choices, I fought hard with family and society to let me live my life on my terms and I have no regrets! Sure, there are certain things that could have been avoided to make my life easier but then again, those little things too have contributed in making me who I am today. My dreamer days are behind me altogether and I face the harsh realities of life everyday. This is a new future, a REAL future. I look forward to it and embrace the possibilities the unknown is going to bring.

All in all, I say it's been a lifelong battle to be comfortable in my own skin (flaws, flab and all).
But the good news is, I'm almost there now. :)