Who am I?

Sitting bored at work, I half scribbled and half doodled this. It as usual, reflects my state of mind and doesn't focus on any pattern, flow or anything technical. Maybe I should be embarrassed putting this up but it's something I wrote and just like the bad that is in me, this too will get accepted by me.

Who am I?

Am I the woman people from the past see,
The woman who is 'bourgeoisie'?
Am I the woman the strangers see,
The one who always listens to mp3s?
Am I the woman who colleagues see,
The one who's addicted to Green Tea?
Am I the woman who friends see,
The one who cleans up all the debris?
Am I the woman who parents see,
The one on a destruction spree?
Am I the woman my siblings see,
The one who rebels, never agrees?
Am I the woman my in-laws will see,
The one who just wants to be!
Am I the woman my husband will see,
The one who fights the tide in the sea?
Am I the woman my children will see,
The one who pretends to be jolie?
Or am I the woman who I see,
The one who struggles to be set free!